Lychee chuperustam Chocobar Ice Cream

Lychee chuperustam Chocobar Ice Cream.

Lychee chuperustam Chocobar Ice Cream You can have Lychee chuperustam Chocobar Ice Cream using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Lychee chuperustam Chocobar Ice Cream

  1. You need 2 of Frozen Ratnagiri Mango.
  2. Prepare 1Cup of homemade Cream.
  3. Prepare 1Cup of Condensed Milk.
  4. It's 2-1bsp of roasted pistachio flakes.
  5. Prepare 12deseeded of frozen lychee.
  6. You need 3tbsp of melted dark chocolate compound.
  7. Prepare 1 tbsp of melted milk chocolate compound.
  8. You need 2tbsp of melted white chocolate compound.

Lychee chuperustam Chocobar Ice Cream step by step

  1. Grind frozen Mangoes, cream & Condensed milk together in mixer grinder remove and mix roasted pistachio Flakes..
  2. Now fill in frozen lychee and freeze for 5-6 hrs. & insert wooden steak in center to hold it.
  3. Take melted dark & milk chocolate in a bowl add melted white chocolate compound and mix little with steak now dip all the mango ice cream stuffed ice cream in chocolate which will give marble look. Keep in freezer for setting..
  4. Chuperustam lychee mango chocobar ice cream is ready to serve.Garnish with sprinkles & Chocolates.


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