Bitter gourd pickle

Bitter gourd pickle. If you like bitter gourd or bitter melon you will for sure like this pickle too. The pickle uses simple ingredients like fenugreek seeds/methi, mustard seeds, garlic, green chilies, oil… And is made in. Bitter Gourd Pickle - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.

Bitter gourd pickle Here is a quick pickle recipe to add more bitter gourds in your diet. This quick pickle is an easy way to incorporate nutritious bitter gourds in your diet. It is light and healthy with mellow tangy flavors. You can cook Bitter gourd pickle using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Bitter gourd pickle

  1. Prepare 1 of . Bitter gourd 250 gm.
  2. Prepare 2 of . Lemon 9-10.
  3. You need 3 of . Green chilly 8-10.
  4. You need 4 of . Salt according to taste.
  5. Prepare 5 of . Mustard oil three table spoon.
  6. It's 6 of . Fenugreek seeds one table spoon.
  7. Prepare 7 of . Fennel seeds one tablespoon.
  8. You need 8 of . Achari masala two table spoon.
  9. Prepare 9 of . Vinegar one table spoon.
  10. You need 10 of . Turmeric one spoon.

Sweet and sour bitter gourd pickle is a delicious Indian recipe served as a side dish. Kakarakaya Pickle is an exceptionally yummy sweet an. Combine the bitter gourds, tomatoes and green chillies in a pan. Thin slices of bitter melon (bitter gourd) are combined with julienned radish and carrot to make a refreshingly delicious pickled salad that can be served as a side dish to meat and seafood dishes.

Bitter gourd pickle instructions

  1. Peel, wash & cut the bitter gourd in slices..
  2. Sprinkle salt and turmeric powder on bitter gourd. Mix well & rest it for overnight..
  3. Cut lemon in slices. Sprinkle salt and turmeric powder on it & rest it for 2 hours..
  4. Cut green chilly in half. Add salt and turmeric powder & vinegar in it and rest it for 2 hours..
  5. Heat the oil in a pan on smoking point..
  6. Take a bowl. Add bitter gourd, lemon slices, green chilly, fenugreek seeds, fennal seeds, achari masala & salt in it. Mix well..
  7. Put hot oil on it. Mix properly..
  8. Store in a jar..

Karathe Nonche Recipe is a spicy, tangy, mildly sweet and pleasantly bitter Indian pickle made with bitter gourds and some aromatic Indian spices with some tamarind for the sour element. Bitter Gourd Pickle - Spicy Indian style pickle with Bitter Gourd. Bitter Gourd is also called as Karela, Pavakka, Bitter Melon and Bitter Squash. Place the bitter gourd pieces in a thali and sprinkle lightly with fine salt. Arrange them in a glass or pickle jar.


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